Ryde Secondary College

Telephone02 9809 4894


Student information

Our Students

Our students leave Ryde Secondary College as successful, self-assured graduates whose future in the world is one full of promise and potential.

Our students become leaders; young people of confidence, spirit and cooperation; our school one where lifelong friendships are forged and strengthened.

We know that Ryde Secondary College is an outstanding centre of learning where students have no limits on their creative thought processes. We develop in our students the ability to be innovative forward thinkers and to look at challenges in new or different ways.

Whilst at Ryde Secondary College our students are challenged, nurtured and supported throughout their school lives. They benefit from learning in an outstanding academic environment that rewards personal success and enables them to achieve their very best. These experiences allow our graduating students to continue to excel in all areas of life.

Our students benefit from excellent career enhancement opportunities through our links with business, major universities and local, national and global networks and partnerships which expand their horizons.

Whilst the great majority of students graduate to tertiary education placements, the alumni from our outstanding college succeed in the many different pathways that they choose.


Ryde Secondary College, with an enrolment of over 1000 students, is a co-educational high school with an academically selective cohort, an additional gifted and talented stream, mainstream classes and a Special Education Unit for students with disabilities. 75% of students come from multi-lingual backgrounds. Diversity is a major characteristic of RSC.

Our aim is to have confident, compassionate and successful students. To meet this aim our college has a strong focus on quality teaching, wellbeing, social justice, creativity and opportunity.

We believe that every student has the potential to become lifelong, collaborative learners, resilient, reflective and caring individuals and confident global, future citizens.

New worlds, new opportunities

At Ryde Secondary College we help your child to create their own future, whatever their interests, skills and passions.

An exceptional range of co-educational opportunities and enriching academic programs in all learning areas expand the horizons of each student and open new worlds for their future. As a partially selective school, Ryde Secondary College students benefit and thrive from our diverse and differentiated curriculum, designed to maximise every students’ potential.

The College’s co-curricular programme is designed to encourage students to develop a range of skills that will support them beyond their school years. Our outstanding opportunities in the creative and performing arts, sport and music successfully take learning beyond the classroom. These experiences help each student to develop their confidence, self-esteem, independence and team work.

Students at Ryde Secondary College are creative thinkers and self-disciplined learners. The school's broad curriculum challenges them to be exceptional students.

Leadership, communication and management skills are also developed through our student 'voice' and leadership structures, learning culture, extra curricular and student wellbeing programs.

The range and breadth of opportunities available within the college enable each student to find their interests and passions and the opportunity to excel.

Student leadership

A team of twelve prefects and four captains lead the student body at Ryde Secondary College.


Sixteen prefects are selected by students and staff. From those sixteen, two captains and two vice captains are chosen. Our captains lead our prefect body and manage our regular College Assembly program.


Our prefects are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop team and leadership skills, to work collaboratively developing whole school initiatives and to represent the school in a wide range of public and school contexts. As role models they are expected to exemplify the values of the College and mentor and support students in lower years.

Regular meetings with the senior school executive provide valuable opportunities for students to contribute to whole school development.

Prefects undertake a range of roles and school and community events, and are encouraged to develop inividual projects for the benefit of the college.

A prefect camp provides an opportunity for our prefects to work collaboratively with mentors to develop their leadership skills, learn about their responsibilities and to plan their whole school projects.

Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a valuable organisation within the college. It is popular with students who enjoy sharing ideas and participating in community affairs.

Aims of the SRC:

  • To provide a forum for the expression of student opinion and thus encourage useful communication between the student body, the Council and the staff
  • To provide a group to coordinate student activities, in particular to organise fund raising, social events, and student facilities
  • To encourage active interest by students in College and community affairs
  • To foster a strong College spirit
  • To provide a training ground for leaders and to provide practical experience in learning skills involved in committee and organisational work.

Students in all years 7 to 12 have the opportunity to participate in decision making by:

  • Electing Year Representatives to the student council
  • Voting on particular issues.

Sport House Captains

Ryde Secondary College seeks to provide ways for students to show leadership and support in a wide range of contexts. Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects provide leadership and role modelling to the whole school, Senior and Junior House Captains to their own Houses. The role of House Captain provides students with an opportunity to serve and exercise responsibility, developing skills in managing younger students, exercising sound judgement, resolving conflicts and problems and cultivating leadership qualities.

House Captains are elected mid year after the major sporting carnivals have been completed and will serve for a period of twelve months from this time.